Monday, September 28, 2015

Welcome to Family as We Go!

        Welcome to my blog! My husband, Justin, and I have talked about having a blog for a few years now, but just never took the time to sit down and make one. There is always stuff coming up -- like our marriage a year and half ago, two moves, husband started a master’s program, then I got pregnant . The list keeps going! After I gave birth to our precious little boy Cedric almost four months ago, I got the opportunity to become a stay at home mom. Even though he wants my full attention and love 24/7, I realized I still have "free time" while I'm breastfeeding or he's napping (on me) to write! So here I am. Writing my first blog post.
         Family as We Go pretty much represents what this blog is all about. Pretty much a newlywed and new mother, and I want to share and embrace this family upbringing with you all! Justin and I have studied lots of health books, love eating clean, natural foods, and making sure we aren't couch potatoes and get out and hike and enjoy nature as much as possible. We can't wait to incorporate our found ways with our children and share great ideas for your families as well!
         I want this blog to feel as if we are all close family members who can share their stories, suggestions, recipes, adventures, etc., as together we discover the right ways of building up our families.
        We are also a family that puts Jesus Christ first and foremost in everything we do and I pray every day that Justin and I can be the Godly role models our children need! We both come from excellent parents who still love each other and God so much, and I know it helped shape us into who we are today. I hope we can instill the same great beliefs in our children too.

        So, please come join us in this adventure called life! I'd love to hear from you in the comments and we can discuss anything and everything! 

       P.S. I'm shooting for a blog post a week. I feel as Cedric is still young and needy as I've mentioned, I should be able to comprise a post throughout the week. I will try for Monday mornings to deliver a new one. So keep looking Mondays and keep me accountable to maintain a weekly blog. 

1 comment:

  1. This is exciting! Cant eait till the painting come as well! I need a Big One!
