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Just eleven hours old... hard work! |
Do you think there is no way ever that you could do a natural birth? I think there's got to be some credit that women long before pain meds were around were able to do it, so why not now? Doesn't the modern woman say she wants to be empowered and all that jazz?! When I was pregnant everyone laughed AT ME and thought I was crazy when I said I was shooting for a natural birth. "Just ask for the epidural, cause in the end you'll get one anyway." Guess they did not know I am a competitive determined chick when I want to be! Their little discouragements actually lit my desire to prove to everyone that first, it is doable, and second, you don't have to have a traumatic horror story to go with it.
While I waited for my labor day to arrive I kept getting more impatient since I didn't want to be all talk, but wanted a story to back it up... and a success story at that! I really did not want a success story to prove how pathetic epidural users are -- not at all! I wanted to be able to ENCOURAGE and STRENGTHEN those mamas to show that if I can do it, so can you! Believe me, I don't have a huge pain tolerance.(it didsuck help that I had terrible menstrual cramps every month that helped me gauge how much my body could be in pain.) So I really encourage you to read through my list of tips to succeed with a natural birth, so that you may want to try it for your first or even fifth baby to be! Without the pain meds in your body or the 20% higher dosage the baby receives from it, I know from experience how awake and alert Cedric came out into this world. For the first thirty minutes my husband said he just stared up at me, then like the little over achiever he is latched right on and started nursing!
While I waited for my labor day to arrive I kept getting more impatient since I didn't want to be all talk, but wanted a story to back it up... and a success story at that! I really did not want a success story to prove how pathetic epidural users are -- not at all! I wanted to be able to ENCOURAGE and STRENGTHEN those mamas to show that if I can do it, so can you! Believe me, I don't have a huge pain tolerance.(it did
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Right after birth. Not stuck in a hospital bed! |
1.Two words. Bradley Method.
Smartest decision we made my whole pregnancy. The Bradley Method is a twelve week training course that goes into deep detail about everything you are dealing with in pregnancy, labor, and first few weeks of caring for your newborn. It covers:
-your womanly body and all changes it undergoes through pregnancy and into labor
-your partner's (husband's) part and job through all of it (which of course starts with support and encouragement)
-the different stretches you must do to open up for an easier labor
- your diet during pregnancy,
- breastfeeding and the billions of benefits for your baby
Justin and I felt almost over-prepared for what was going to happen! One of the best parts of the class was hearing so many success stories that help you know you can do it too (just like I'm trying to show YOU!). Another great part was doing this class with other people working through the same questions, fears, doubts that are brought on by first time moms. I promise you it's nothing like the movies with crazy, screaming-bloody-murder women. The method teaches you how to relax during contractions BUT doesn't sugarcoat it that there will be pain, but with body relaxation you can mentally get through each contraction. This helped encourage my next must have...
2. A husband who is THERE and as determined as you are for success.
There is NO WAY I could have done a natural birth without the help of Justin. After faithfully taking the Bradley Method classes with me, he was just as informed and ready for labor as I was. Bradley Method calls your husband your Coach. I love that! Dr. Bradley always said, ""A trained husband can do more for the comfort and relaxation for his wife, than any amount of medication." He diligently reminded me to walk, do my stretches, and make sure I got my 80+ grams of protein a pregnant woman really needs daily! Another positive with Bradley Method is they have your "Coach" give you daily massages and relax time to let your muscles remember how to relax during labor. They felt so good after long work days of waddling around Trader Joe's. And my whole labor? Right next to my side staring into my eyes saying, "you got this, just get through this next one, it will all be over soon". Those words saved me. You know what also saved me?...
3. Stretching and exercise!
-your womanly body and all changes it undergoes through pregnancy and into labor
-your partner's (husband's) part and job through all of it (which of course starts with support and encouragement)
-the different stretches you must do to open up for an easier labor
- your diet during pregnancy,
- breastfeeding and the billions of benefits for your baby
Justin and I felt almost over-prepared for what was going to happen! One of the best parts of the class was hearing so many success stories that help you know you can do it too (just like I'm trying to show YOU!). Another great part was doing this class with other people working through the same questions, fears, doubts that are brought on by first time moms. I promise you it's nothing like the movies with crazy, screaming-bloody-murder women. The method teaches you how to relax during contractions BUT doesn't sugarcoat it that there will be pain, but with body relaxation you can mentally get through each contraction. This helped encourage my next must have...
2. A husband who is THERE and as determined as you are for success.
There is NO WAY I could have done a natural birth without the help of Justin. After faithfully taking the Bradley Method classes with me, he was just as informed and ready for labor as I was. Bradley Method calls your husband your Coach. I love that! Dr. Bradley always said, ""A trained husband can do more for the comfort and relaxation for his wife, than any amount of medication." He diligently reminded me to walk, do my stretches, and make sure I got my 80+ grams of protein a pregnant woman really needs daily! Another positive with Bradley Method is they have your "Coach" give you daily massages and relax time to let your muscles remember how to relax during labor. They felt so good after long work days of waddling around Trader Joe's. And my whole labor? Right next to my side staring into my eyes saying, "you got this, just get through this next one, it will all be over soon". Those words saved me. You know what also saved me?...
3. Stretching and exercise!
What was my worst fear going into labor? Tearing! Why? First I am extremely allergic to the numbing medicine they would use. Secondly the weeks after healing are way more painful with a tear having to heal. Guess what, I didn't tear! How? Stretching! First off the more you do squats, kegals, and pelvic stretches the more room you will have for baby's head to come out. Perineal massage is a lifesaver, ask me how to do that one! And staying active keeps your body loose and gives you stamina to get through the marathon called labor. With exercise, comes the need for fuel and hydration...
4.Water water water.
Your labor can actually pause itself if you are dehydrated. Why on earth would you want to add on a few hours more of labor?! No thank you. When I finished a contraction, Justin, or my doula*(Marissa, my best friend) would shove either coconut water or just water (with a straw!) at me - the whole nine hours of labor, so I literally drank after each contraction. Secondly, food is really important. You don't run a marathon on an empty stomach, so why would you listen to hospital doctors who only let you eat ice chips your whole labor?! I threw up three times during my labor, so if I couldn't get fuel that way, I made sure to guzzle as much high sugary coconut water as I could for energy. Wait, no doctor shunning you from water and food?
5. A calming NO hospital, No doctors environment.

6. Hot bath tub.
The only way I felt relief prior to the tub was standing, leaning on a wall or husband swaying my hips. Then I stepped in the bathtub, and oh what a relief! Like when you are really sore from an awesome workout and a hot bath relieves it all. It made my pain level go down at least thirty percent. It actually relaxed me so much my contractions slowed down for thirty minutes, but came back which was a relief since I didn't want to have to get out! I really think this helped the most when I was going through the brutal transition phase. I don't think I could do any of my labors without a tub now!
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OK, there weren't flowers in it when I was laboring ;) |
There you have it! I truly believe with those suggestions UNLESS you have a complicated pregnancy, any one of you could do a natural birth. You really just have to believe in your capability as a strong woman. Do what's best and least traumatic for your new baby coming into this already crazy, scary world.
What do you think about these helpful suggestions? Are you a natural success story or would you like to be? Did I miss any helpful things you did to get through your labor? Let me know! I'd love to give you more details about my laboratory too!
*A doula is extremely helpful as added support. There are professionals or as I did, just pick someone you fully trust and whom you don't feel any bit shy in front of! You kind of BARE-ALL by the end of labor.
**My hope is that with my next pregnancies I can do home births now that I know what my body is going to do!
If you want to read my full birth story, you can start here!
**My hope is that with my next pregnancies I can do home births now that I know what my body is going to do!
If you want to read my full birth story, you can start here!
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